Links to our pages

Funding and joining
Links and Activities
Contact us
During this period of uncertainty due to the Coronavirus we are helping you with some ideas and fun activities. Please see below and keep checking back as we add more.

~~Songs from Bopeeps~~

Carpet time song
Months of the year song
We are the children of Bopeeps
If you're happy and you know it

The following are documents that you might find helpul/interesting..
Letter from Bexley Childrens servicies with suggestions for entertaining your children. Dear Providers

The following are some use full links

Our Facebook Page

Net Mums (Welling)

Net Mums (Blackheath)

Mycenae House

St Michaels Community Centre

Pre-School Learning alliance


BBC school pages

London borough of Bexley

Quest Training

Directgov web site

Local groups